BIO: Brian P. Boak

Brian P. Boak, AEP®, CPRIA, CLU®, LUTCF®


Brian P. Boak started his insurance career over thirty years ago as a Prudential agent, then managing a staff of agents and finally partnered with an agent to grow a successful financial planning office. For the last twenty years, Brian has specialized in working with family offices and advisors of highly successful families providing risk management for their clients personal property, liability and lifestyle exposures.

Brian has been educating advisors since the beginning, starting in the early 90’s teaching for The American College. His current program, The Missing Piece of Financial Planning – Property and Casualty™, is provided for Estate Planning Councils, Advanced Planning Education Group, Financial Planning Association, National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, Society of Financial Service Professionals, Universities, CPA, Law & Wealth Management firms and other advisory groups working with highly successful families.

On the fun side, in 2007 Brian founded BOAKS Beer to brew and distribute Belgian and British style craft beer throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania. After closing BOAKS in 2016, Brian founded the Brewers Roundtable, a peer-learning forum for brewery owners to discuss all facets of running their business. He is a current member of the Advisory Board for the University of Vermont’s Craft Beer Program.

Brian lives in Wayne NJ with his wife Jan and mini-dachshund Jessie. He holds a BS in Finance and Marketing from the University of South Carolina. Currently, Brian is the on the Board and the Membership Chair of The Estate Planning Council of NYC and the Past-President of The Estate Planning Council of Rockland County. He holds the designation of Accredited Estate Planner®, Chartered Private Risk and Insurance Advisor, CLU® and LUTCF®. He is currently working on his CFP® designation.

When Brian is not advising clients, he enjoys spending time with his grandchildren, cycling, tailgating and BBQ’ing at Giants Stadium, brewing beer and relaxing with Jan and Jessie.